You and Your Tree


Tree Lodi is a community-based non-profit organization created to promote and advocate for the planting, maintenance, and preservation of Lodi's urban forest through education, stewardship, and community involvement.


This tree planting manual defines and illustrates the policies and procedures that shall be utilized in the management and care of all trees under the care of Tree Lodi.

When to Plant Trees

The best time to plant tress is during the dormant season. This would be during the fall season after leaf drop or early spring before bud break. The cool weather conditions allow the trees to establish their roots before the stress of the summer heat.

Nine Steps to Planting Trees

  1. Selecting the Tree - Choose a tree that will grow well in the area and with the surrounding environment. Maker sure it has plenty of room, vertically, and horizontally, for growth. Follow right tree in the right place.

  2. Dig a Hole - Holes should be 2-3 times wider than the root ball, but only as deep as the root ball. This keeps the roots from settling too deep while still allowing them to penetrate the surrounding soil.

  3. Identify the Trunk Flare - This is where the trunk expands at the base of the tree and where the first main roots attach to the trunk. This part should be partially visible after the tree has been planted.

  4. Place the Tree at the Proper Height - Be sure to remove the container or cut away the wire basket before placing in the hole. If the tree is planted too deep, new roots will have difficulty growing because of lack of oxygen.

  5. Straighten the Tree in the Hole - Before backfilling, ensure the tree is straight. It will be difficult to reposition the tree once it is fully planted.

  6. Fill the Hole Gently, but Firmly - Pack soil around the base of the root ball to stabilize it. Fill the remainder of the hole, firmly packing the soil to eliminate air pockets that may dry out roots. Settle the soil with water.

  7. Stake the Tree, if Necessary - Trees establish stronger trunk and root systems if they are not staked at the time of planting, however, staking may be necessary to protect the tree from damage. Remove the nursery stake.

  8. Mulch the Base of the Tree - Mulch is organic matter spread around the base of a tree to hold moisture, moderate soil temperature extremes, and reduce grass and weed competition. Leave 1-2 inches of space between the trunk the tree and the mulch. Piling mulch against the tree trunk may cause decay of the living bark.

  9. Provide Follow-Up Care - Keep the soil moist but not water logged. A newly planted tree requires 6-8 gallons of water for every diameter inch of trunk per week.

Additional Care

Tree Lodi is solely responsible for any trees planted by Tree Lodi for a three-year period after the tree has been planted. At this time, ownership of the tree is handed over to the City of Lodi who will assume responsibility and care of the tree.

Tree Planting Demo